What Is the Google Display Network?
Let’s say you’re a retailer with a brick-and-mortar store. You’re selling running shoes. Any of a number of people could walk by and decide they want to purchase a pair of your shoes at that moment, and you would want to make it as easy as possible for them.
The Google Display Network provides you a way to display remarketing and placement ads directly inside of Google search results pages, on the websites of their publisher partners (including some of the top websites in the world like ESPN.com and Blogspot.com), and on Google partners’ mobile apps.
What is a display ad?
A display ad is an ad that's eligible to display on the Search Results pages and websites of the Google Display Network. You may choose to display your remarketing and placement ads on all of Google’s properties (Google Search, Google Search, and Google Display Network), or you may choose to control your ads on all of Google’s properties (excluding Google Search).
Display Network Tip #1: Start with Remarketing
Start with Remarketing! There are two types of remarketing ads in the Google Display Network – the straightforward kind and the restricted kind.
In the Google Display Network remember: restricted, your ad could only show for specific, single actions. The easy way to ensure that your remarketing ad only appears for specified, single actions is to create a simplified version of your remarketing ad.
Detailed Benefits of Creating a Simplified Remarketing Ad:
— You can control the formats and text of your display ad. The simpler the ad, the less text you can use to ensure that it only appears for the actions you want.
— It’s super easy to create a simpler remarketing ad from within AdWords. All you need to do is set up a campaign that lets you create a simplified remarketing ad. Then you only have to match certain, single actions to a display ad.
— You can create multiple set-ups in one ad group, letting you have different versions of the display ads for different relevancy and targeting criteria to determine which one will display in that context.
Put in these criteria:
1. A keyword you want to target
2. An interest level you want to target (e.g., foods, cars, sports, etc.)
3. 1-10 items that fit the interests you’ve established.
4. A campaign action you want to target (download an app, sign up here, sign up there, etc.)
5. A product type (again, it must be something that fits your interests, so how about a running shoe or similar type of merchandise)
The hundreds of features of the remarketing ad in Google Display Network will let you create hundreds and hundreds of variations to see which ones are most effective. Not only that, but with the simple process of matching and rules for the simplified remarketing ads, you can quickly turn your complex ad into a much simpler display ad.
Repeat this entire process for the restricted kind of remarketing ads.
Display Network Tip #2: Utilize Managed Placements
Managed placements allow you to create and display ads within a wide variety of rather difficult to place ads. With managed placements, you can expand your remarketing and PPC efforts even further.
Why Managed Placements?
A portfolio of websites that you manage yourself is a good way to make sure that your ads are seen on retailers' rich media properties that you'd prefer to have your ads seen on. Play around with the nature of the ads that are shown in placements, targeting, etc. to see how to get the most out of them.
Remember that the better the placement is, the more effective your ads will be. If you have one of the better placements, you might have more clicks and more conversions.
Display Network Tip #3: Choose the Right Ad Size
When you design your display ad, consider what size would be most effective in the placement you're placing it in. When in doubt, smaller is better. But you should take time to consider the specific placement to make sure what would be most effective size wise.
You should also choose the size that is most effective for your price.
Display Network Tip #4: Website Placement Never Dies
A good way to maximize the number of searches on your website is to be a premium offer on a premium website.
If someone is performing an action on your website, create a placement. Create a related remarketing ad that shows for an action taken on your site — and only for that action. AdWords will then only choose those ads for display.
Display Network Tip #5: Manage Link Placement
Another way to maximize your total click-throughs and converts on your website is to opt into the “Link your website” placement. This placement lets us match both remarketing and PPC ads on your website.
Click through to this article to read more about using placements to maximize your website traffic.
Display Network Tip #6: Doesn’t the Keyword Matter?
Generally, the more searches for a keyword or an ad group, the more likely your advertisement would be chosen to display in a specific context; and the smaller the number of searches, the less likely your ad would be chosen to display in a specific context.
Remember that the overall effectiveness of your pre-placed ad can also be impacted by the overall effectiveness of your keyword.
Remember that you should improve your keyword list. Poor quality keywords will hurt you on the display network, just as a bad list of keywords would hurt them on the search network.
Display Network Tip #7: Optimization Checking and Tracking
Remember to test to see what works best; optimize your ads for the best results. Use the Google Analytics dashboard to track real numbers, or run tests to see which display ad produces the most conversions. You can also split test ads in AdWords using AdGroup ideas to see which ones produce the most conversions.
The following article will help you figure out the best way to optimize your display ads: 10 Ways to optimize your Google Display Ads
Display Network Tip #8: Get Keywords With Market Intelligence
If you have a website with a clear lead generator, link it up to AdWords and get keyword ideas on your terms. For example, if you own a shoe store and users purchase it on Google, you can drive traffic to that store through the Google Display Network — as long as you link your website to AdWords beforehand.
Use Google keywords or AdWords to take advantage of this, and your ads will get a lot more opportunities to appear.
Display Network Tip #9: Create Landing Pages
Create landing pages to assist your customers as they browse your services. An easy way to do this is to create a website for each product in your store, and simply direct users to that page when they click on your ad. Remember to optimize your page for conversions — so when a user clicks, he or she arrives on a page that is tailored to convert them into a buyer.
Display Network Tip #10: Phone Number in Display Ads
In mobile display ads, your phone number has now been added as a free URL parameter that you can add to your ad. Therefore, if you have a great product but your website isn’t performing very well, just make sure you have a phone number clearly displayed in your mobile ad. When users call your business, they will become customers.
A little icing on the cake
Remember to do some pre-planning with your display ads. You have a range of options to present. Take advantage of them so the best ones stand out. Keep experimenting with your ads and changes in both the Google Display Network and the Search Network to get the best results. If you plan and pre-plan, the results will be great.
Display Network Tip #11: Test Your Keywords
If you're looking for words that have a lot of search traffic, make sure you test them on the Display Network. With most search advertisers, they look at the search network as where to find keywords. But with the Display Network, it's a little different. You can create a display ad for that keyword — you can have a Quality Score. Therefore, keep testing keywords.
This way, you get your keywords in front of valuable eyeballs.
Display Network Tip #12: Relevancy
Remember, relevancy matters. You have 5 seconds to get someone to continue being interested in your ad. So make sure you provide a call to action.
If you could offer a 10 percent discount to all customers who order online, you can make sure the ad to which the user clicks is what you want compared to dozens of other ads that show the same keyword.
Display Network Tip #13: Deliver Action
This is the oldest idea in advertising. You must include just the right words in your ad. You want to include action words.
When you place your ad, think about the headline. Pay attention to the quality of the headline. If you can improve it, do so.
If you see that someone clicks on it, click the image of the ad and see what that product is. Make sure the headline of the ad is relevant to the image.
Display Network Tip #14: Offline Ads Versus Online Ads
Remember, those who are online tend to be more relevant, but if you’re running an offline campaign, don’t create a bunch of different ads. When you’re offline, make sure your ads appear in the way you want them to appear.
You want to use similar kinds of ads, so it’s a good idea to create nice little templates that you can use for different kinds of ads.
Display Network Tip #15: Are You Behind?
People are using mobile devices more and more. If you’re not on mobile, you’re behind.
If you’re not making the kinds of efforts you need to worry about mobile users, then someone else is doing it.
So be sure to make sure your message appears optimally on mobile devices.
Display Network Tip #16: Evaluate Keyword and Ad Group Performance
Be aware of the past, present and future needs of your business. Make sure you have a plan for how you’re going to make and manage the changes in your business.
It’s a good idea to check them on a regular basis. By taking a holistic approach to your business, you can quickly develop a strategy that will grow your business in a way that makes the most sense for you.
Display Network Tip #17: Are You Representing Your Brand Correctly?
Providing a consistent message across all channels helps people associate your brand with your specific message. With the right messaging, you can make your brand something your customers and prospects can easily understand. Having your business represented in ads that look consistent from all channels is an excellent way to associate your brand with a specific message.
If your brand is not presented in a consistent manner, people will not associate your brand with your message correctly.
Display Network Tip #18: Differentiation
Remember, you can differentiate your brand. Again, remember that to identify keywords about which to write ads, you must explore what your competitors are writing ads about and what they are spending on their ads.
If you are deduced by competitors, you should differentiate your advertising to see if they are getting a lot of traffic from certain keywords in key areas. If so, focus on those keywords.
Display Network Tip #19: Data Is Key
You can use cookies to access a person’s information. Therefore, cookie data is gaining importance. You can use the data in a variety of ways.
Be sure to use it appropriately for your audience and your purposes. Don’t unnecessarily use it, because it is an intrusion into someone’s privacy.
Display Network Tip #20: Contact Us
We're hoping we've given you some ideas to help you get ready for the campaign. Remember that you can call us directly to answer any questions you may have, or to simply learn some new tips.
Click here to contact Up Digital. Thanks for reading this week.